Laura Jordan Bambach named as one of Debrett's 500 most influential people

We’ve got one of Debrett’s 500 most influential people

We’re proud as punch to announce that our very own Creative Partner, Laura Jordan-Bambach has been named one of Britain’s most influential people within the 2015 Debrett’s 500 annual list (published in The Sunday Times on January 25th).

Laura Jordan Bambach named as President of D&AD


Being included within the Debrett’s 500  is pretty exceptional. The List, in association with The Sunday Times, celebrates those individuals who have gone above and beyond to instigate change within their field and represents a well-deserved nod towards Laura’s achievements within Digital over the past few years.

Not only is she the last word on creative here at Mr. President, but she works flat-out to promote a transforming digital landscape and encourage others to do the same.

She is co-founder/Director of SheSays, an international volunteer organisation encouraging women to take up digital creative careers; and is also founder of the Cannt Festival, which offers up a bit of Cannes spirit to those still slogging away in London.

Keep up with Laura (if you can!) @laurajaybee.

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