Airtasker - 49% increase in jobs posted on plafform 30.6% increase in revenue

Hell-yeah Tasker

We’re feeling super pumped after hearing that our recent campaign for Airtasker has been a big hit, inflating their revenue and platform usage.

Building on success in Australia, Airtasker partnered with Channel 4 Ventures in the UK in 2023. The partnership saw Channel 4 Ventures taking a 20% equity stake in Airtasker UK in exchange for $6.7 million in advertising.

This partnership facilitated the launch of our ‘Airtasker. Yeahtasker!’ campaign, putting us firmly on Cloud 9.

Since then, there’s been a significant boost in brand awareness, with UK jobs posted on the platform rocketing up by 49% and revenue increasing by 30.6%.

Hell-yeah tasker!

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