A computer showing the Spacehive website

Rebrand for Spacehive

Giving Spacehive a community-inspired makeover 

Spacehive is a crowdfunding platform that enables people to create positive change in their local community environment. Anyone can post a civic project; maybe it’s to transform a neglected old building into an arts venue, or to upgrade the local skatepark in town. Likewise, anyone can contribute financially to projects: individuals, local councils, and businesses.

Learn more about the project
Spacehive - The platform for funding local projects.
A topdown photograph of the Spacehive brand guidelines.
A phone showing the Spacehive website

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If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

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