Text on a billboard poster: The 'Cowboy-riding-on-a-big-white-horse-while-shooting-his-revolver-at-the-bad-guys' Overture.

Classic FM heads Bach to the Cinema

One of our favourite ever creative campaigns is enjoying an encore in cinemas up and down the country. Classic FM’s “You may not know the name, but you will know the music” campaign is making a dramatic return to the big screen.

Now with a reach of over 5.1 million, Classic FM – the UK’s only 100% classical music radio station – will be hoping for another wave of new listeners. Last time out, RAJAR figures were up 10.1% the quarter following the campaign – including a surge in the tricky to convince younger listeners (18-35 year olds).

We always knew that classical music and the movies were a powerful combination. Have a read of Classic FM’s 10 most iconic uses of music in film.

The creative is heading Bach into cinemas for its sequel ahead of some Oscar worthy releases from 6th January until the 23rd February. We hope you get to enjoy this Classic re-run this time around.

Text on a billboard poster: The 'Cowboy-riding-on-a-big-white-horse-while-shooting-his-revolver-at-the-bad-guys' Overture.

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