Metro Bank - Award winning people-people

Our award winning people-people are live

Last year the phone rang with a request from the lovely people at Metro Bank. They were looking to run their first ever advertising campaign and needed the brand defining idea that would re-establish them as the original banking revolution on the High Street.

The brand defining idea focuses on what made Metro Bank the original challenger when it launched 10 years ago and what still gives them the edge over the flurry of digital disruptors today – its people, and their second-to-none dedication to award-winning customer service.

Whether it’s remembering your kids birthday, giving your dog a treat, or simply being open at 8am and on bank holidays, Metro Bank are the OGs of people-people banking. And now, Metro Bank’s people-people Banking is available in the app store, and in actual stores.

Skirting the superficial service promises of traditional banks that no one believes and giving Metro Bank a real point of difference in the digital era when human connection is being engineered out of every interaction. Metro Bank are the ones busy innovating people back into banking.

Look out for the People-People Banking campaign which runs for six weeks across OOH, cinema and YouTube. And give a big show of appreciation for the real stars of the show: Joy-Ann, Byron, Jass, James, Alex, and all the people-people who make Metro Bank so special.

Metro Bank - Award winning people-people billboard
Metro Bank - Award winning people-people billboard
Metro Bank - Award winning people-people billboard

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