The Weekly Address #05

Tigers, Dogs, and Donald Duck

Aaand we’re back. Hello good people. We hope you’re feeling great (if not, we really hope you’re reading this at home, not work, or anywhere else.) Let’s jump in.

Not sure if you heard, but there’s a big virus going round. Experts say, to keep it away, wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds and don’t touch your face. Of course, where there’s a problem, there are creative solutions. These sites use fun tricks to help you wash your hands and stop you touching your face. Creatives are just the best.

Speaking of creative tech, have you seen Google’s 3D animals? Basically, if you search for certain animals (we don’t know the full list), you can also view them through your camera via AR. Try it. Project a Pomeranian into your life, it’ll works wonders for your soul, trust us.

While we’re on animals, ever wondered what Disney’s Donald Duck would be like if he was a Danish drug-addict? We know, who DOESN’T think about that everyday? Well we’ve found our answer, and it’s no fairytale. Enjoy.

On a much lighter note, let’s talk about the English language for a second. It’s lovely – and the only language most of us speak – but it’s not phonetically consistent at all. In fact, it would sound nothing like English if it was. The next video shows exactly what we mean. It’s an oldie, but still very much a goodie. Gets us every time.

That’s it for now. Remember to wash your hands and leave your faces alone, we’ll see you next week.

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If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello