Pizza box on a stool

The Weekly Address #10

Public transport, Pizza and Priests

Welcome back. We’ve dedicated an issue of our weekly address to wonderful ways that creativity has flourished in spite of lockdown.

First off, random encounters with strangers on public transport feel like things from a past life. So Anna Ginsburg gives us a nostalgic nudge with a very short film that’s an ode to a woman that sat next to her on a bus a few months back, and we love it.

Moving onto things of the present, pizza. We know we’ve had a lot of it. We’ve also made quite a bit of furniture at home in recent times. So we were thrilled to see an Ikea and Pizza Hut collaboration.

Sava Pizza table

Ever wondered what a social distanced baptism might entail? See what happens when creativity meets Christianity.

The pope wearing a Covid facemark

From water guns to walking fingers, at a time where our legs aren’t doing very much, Mr P alumni Greg Kouts lets his fingers do the walkin’ in a lovely little love letter to The Great Indoors.

And finally, we adore Skoda for putting a middle finger up to production restrictions with three ads entirely shot from home using toy cars.

We hope you feel creatively inspired. Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe, and see you soon.

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If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello

If you want to have a chat → Say hello